Sunday, April 10, 2011

im baaack!!!

hello blogger world! i am so sorry to leave all of you for the last couple weeks but i am back!
     so as many of you know i went to hawaii march 19 through the 27, and it was so much fun! i was unable to manage my blog while i was in hawaii, and ever since ive been home i have been working 6 days a week (im a workaholic).
     even though it seems simple, it is hard for me to sit down and find the time to update my blog. but i have been thinking about all of you the past couple weeks, so check back tomorrow to see what new things i have posted!
taken with my cellphone!
p.s. hawaii was amazing! very relaxing! every day was in the 80's and all though there was a short amount of rain early every morning the weather was beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! We can't wait to hear more about your trip! :)
