Thursday, April 26, 2012

not your ordinary baby bag

     i came across this baby bag website called storksak and they have the most stylish baby bags! the bags look like a normal purse, just a lot bigger and more storage options for all the extra things you will be carrying! i have fallen in love with the olivia style bag and i keep hinting to thomas to get it for me! i told him i have left the webpage open on my computer so he will have easy access to purchasing it for me! i hope sooo bad that i get it! its $200 and after looking through their website it is one of the more reasonable priced bags. like i told thomas, this is a bag that is going to be leaving the house with me every single day! so it needs to be stylish and needs to be a bag that will go with every outfit and every season! even though i have a baby that doesnt mean i still cant be a stylish momma!
     check out the website, the bags are really cute! 

1 comment:

  1. Not a fan of the price tag but the name of the bag is absolutely FABULOUS ;)
