Sunday, May 29, 2011

cute blog!

     so i love tori spelling and i am in love with her family!! i started watching her reality show called "tori and dean home sweet hollywood" and almost every episode i cried! she is so cute and her and i have so much in common! its weird to say but it is true! her and i have the same exact personality and watching her show is like a look into what my life would be like if i had fame and fortune!
     today while i was checking twitter i noticed she has created a blog for her little daughter and here is the link it is filled with pictures and information about the outfits she wears! it is so adorable!! i couldnt stop reading through all of it!    
     tori and her husband dean also have their own store called inventori! it is full of one of a kind items and i of a couple people who would love this store! the website is   
     these are just a couple of entertaining discoveries that i wanted to share with all of you! check them out and let me know what you thought!

1 comment:

  1. Who knew Tori Spelling had such a great sense of fashion for children? Thanks for sharing!
